Electric and magnetic fields are present wherever electricity flows – around appliances and power lines, and in offices, schools and homes. Many researchers believe that if there is a risk of adverse health effects from usual residential exposures to EMF, it is probably just at the detection limit of human health studies; nonetheless, the possible risk warrants further investigation. The varying results from epidemiological studies, which looked at estimated EMF exposures and childhood leukemia, are consistent with a weak link. Laboratory studies and studies investigating a possible mechanism for health effects (mechanistic studies) provide little or no evidence to support this weak link.
The results from many research studies have been evaluated by international, national and California EFM research programs to find out if EMF poses any health risk. Given the uncertainty of the issue, the medical and scientific communities have been unable to determine that usual residential exposures to EMF cause health effects or to be either safe or harmful. These conclusions remain unchanged by recent studies. For more information, visit: http://www.who.int/peh-emf/publications/Chapter%201.pdf?ua=1 and http://www.who.int/peh-emf/publications/factsheets/en/
EMF in items we use everyday!